Friday, February 24, 2017

The ADD/ADHD Checklist An Easy Reference for Parents and Teachers

This book talked about ADD/ADHD in a checklist form. It was interesting. It gave tips to parents and teachers about how to handle your child's disorder and how to support them.


This is the 2nd book in the Fallen Series. Daniel takes Luce away from Sword and Cross to a different school in California called Shoreline. It supposed to keep her the most protected from the Outcasts. The Outcasts are supposed to be angels that fell to Earth that didn't take the Devil's side or God's side but they want Luce to get them back into heaven. Daniel and Luce fight a lot because she wants to know more about her pasts lives but he won't tell her. Luce makes a lot of new friends like Miles and Shelby. She starts to work with announcers which help her glimpse into her past lives. I thought it was really cool. Daniel pops in and out when he feels like it but tells her he can't see her. Miles kisses her and she is torn between who she wants to be with. Then she is allowed home for Thanksgiving. She brings a bunch of friends home and gets to eat dinner with her family. But after her parents leave to walk the dog, a bunch of Outcasts show up demanding to take Luce captive. All the angels start fighting. Then the Outcasts leave and Luce goes into an Announcer to go back into her past lives and Daniel goes after her.