Thursday, December 19, 2019

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Have a Little Faith

In times of stress and challenge, we all need to have a little faith. This book had inspiring stories to lift your spirit with its true personal stories of optimism, faith, and strength. It's a nice timely reminder that there is always a silver lining and we all have so very much to be thankful for.

Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn From Them

I thought this book was very insightful and I even learned about some women I hadn't heard of before. They talked about the selfishness of Sapphira, the deception of Delilah, Jezebel's pride, and Eve's disastrous disobedience and many others as well.
    Bad Girls of the Bible has a clear-sighted approach to understanding the women in Scripture, combining a contemporary retelling of their stories, a study of their mistakes and what lessons women today can learn from them. I wasn't really a fan of the modern retelling of the stories but the rest of the book was fantastic!!!

30 Thoughts for Victorious Living

It was very good with practical tips to help you in your faith. I received this booklet after attending Joel's church.

Faith Is...

This touching collection of inspirational thoughts focuses on the true meaning of faith in our ordinary lives. It had verses and quotes.