Sunday, May 1, 2016

Reggie You Can't Change Your Past, But You Can Change Your Future

This book was written by Reggie Dabbs who I have had the pleasure of meeting personally and seen speak a couple times. He talked about his life growing up and the struggles he went through. I really liked his book because he would make a point but tell it in an interesting way to connect it so you could understand the point better.
      The thing about life is that you begin somewhere. Learning and accepting where you come from and the sequence of events that have forged your story that has led you to where you are today is important. You can't change your past, but you can face it. It's impossible to live in today when your heart and mind is in what happened yesterday. We are inclined to think about things only when we are exposed. We are an on an insatiable quest for the truth. The things we discover was not new it's just the knowledge and the way we view it that is new. The adventure of finding something new comes with a whole new set of challenges. We are desperate to find our own value because no one has bothered to to tell us.
      Pain is something that not a lot of people can face. We like to mask it, burn bridges, and build walls. It's possible for pain for go away but we have to relinquish control of the steering wheel. Our options are either to let our pain crush us or empower us. Still breathing is not really living. Like most superheroes encounter pain that leads to choice and choice that leads to action. A great example of this is batman and the joker. Both have experienced violent childhood trauma, and live with vendettas and wrongs they want to avenge. One decides to rise above it while the other slithers beneath it. Will you be the problem, or will you be the answer? Will you save the day or destroy it? When we allow our history to become our reality we get stuck. We create a future we can never desire. We can't write new paragraphs we just keep rereading the old ones. He told a great story about the 3 little piggies and the wolf. The problem with the story is that the pigs run to another's house for protection. Sometimes there won't be another place to run too when you don't acknowledge the consequences of repeated wrong actions. Sometimes you get eaten by the wolf. Life consists both of doing and being but true identity is defined by being.
       My favorite part of the whole book was when he said "When you begin to face the motives of your pursuits, especially when you life has already been met with some level of success, that is when you discover the purpose planned for you all along". I really like this because I am just finding this out in my life now. I have always struggled with the concept of God having you right where he wants you but I can see that now. Pig out on the future God has planned for you. Delight yourself in the abundance of forgiveness. Know the hero that He is and the hero that He is making in you. Your past may be unchangeable, but your future is still up for grabs.

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