Saturday, May 13, 2017

Perfect Trust

This was a short book about how to trust God which is a thing I struggle with personally. But after reading this I can say I trust Him a lot more. The book had some useful facts that stood out to me.

The secret to responsible trust is acceptance.

God gives us wisdom.

When you worry about what you don't have you can't enjoy what you do.

God's Strength to Comfort Me
God's Might to Uphold Me
God's Wisdom to Guide Me
God's Eye to Look Before Me
God's Ear to Hear Me
God's Word to Speak for Me
God's Hand to Lead Me
God's Way to Lie Before Me
God's Shield to Protect Me

Faith is like lighting the torch that passes from one person to the next. You can't light the torch of another if yours isn't burning.

Trusting God doesn't change our circumstances but perfect trust changes us.

When we embrace God's sovereignty we find that our confidence increases, insecurities fade, worries decrease, and calmness replaces striving.

Strength comes from choosing to fully trust, pray, and praise.

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