Saturday, September 9, 2017

Orphan Train

I enjoyed this book very much. It was really interesting and I couldn't put it down. It talked about a time in history that was almost forgotten about. These orphan trains ran in the US from 1853 to 1929 relocating around 200,000 orphaned, abandoned, and homeless children. They were unofficially adopted by families that wanted children. Most were not adopted and were treated terribly by their families because they were orphans. A lot were considered to be free labor. It reminded me a lot of the children that were moved from war torn areas in Europe during WWII. This was a fictional story that was based on real events. The author interviewed actual people that rode on the trains and did extensive research. This is thoroughly explained in the back of the book. I also really enjoyed this book because it went back and forth between the past and the present.

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