Monday, November 13, 2017

Taking Charge of Adult ADHD

This was an excellent book regarding adult ADHD. It talked not only about what it was but how to change your mindset - knowing and own your ADHD, change your brain - how to master ADHD, change your life - everyday rules for success, and change your situation - mastering ADHD in specific areas of your life. I have read many books on ADHD to learn about my disability and this book I found to be very insightful. This also had a lot of statistics and studies that were performed to learn more about the impact of ADHD in the real world. The studies also focused on ADHD diagnosis in childhood versus adulthood too. But one has to remember that everone with ADHD is different and not everything will apply but I learned a lot about myself. I loved the focus on Adults as well. It gave real life examples too. I would highly recommend this to anyone that has it.

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