Saturday, January 20, 2018

Awakening the Buddha Within

This was a very good book for someone who wants to learn about Buddism in a very simple way. It covers the important stuff in depth but puts it in a language you can easily understand and it's very eloquent. In my opinion, Buddism is not really a religion at all but more of a state of being. I found that anyone can apply the principles in the book to any spiritual practice. It reminds me a lot of the 12 steps which has become very important to me in the last year.
    The Buddha was just a normal man who had a nice life but just decided to leave his family and go meditate in Tibet, where he found a lot of intelligent thoughts and then shared them. It's all about being in the present moment fully, which is a very hard thing to do for me, but I have found it very easy to apply. Even in a short time I have found my life calmer, more relaxed, and find it easier to cope by having a Buddism practice.

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