Monday, May 28, 2018

Dance First Think Later

This was a book on quotes to live by. Some were good some were ok and some were stupid. You will have to read it to find out.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Portrait Without a Mouth

This was a book of poetry. Not much to say but it was very good.

The Definitive Book of Body Language

This was a very good book describing how to read and describe body language. I read this book because with my disability it's hard for me to read body language. It was awesome! I learned a lot. It had picture examples too. It talked about everything; what your handshakes mean, how to read smiles and laughter, arm signals, eye signals, hand and leg gestures, body signals, smoker signals, 13 most common gestures, how to tell if someone is lying, personal space and territories, mirroring signals, courtship displays, ownership and height signals, seating arrangements, interviewing, and cultural differences.

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Lena is excited about the "Cure". She lives in a society where love is banned, everything is planned out, including the person you will marry based on a test that you take. They call the disease deliria if you feel love at all. The "Cure" is the solution to deliria. Once you get it which is usually after you graduate high school, the deliria will go away and you pretend for the rest of your life. Lena is excited because she has no real connections with people. Her mom committed suicide and her father was murdered by the regulators. The regulators are the people in the government who kill the people who can't be cured. But then Lena meets Alex. He stirs something inside her and they start an amazing romance. But the romance can't last because her aunt wants her to hang out with her guy match for marriage after she receives the "Cure". Alex and Lena fall in love. She also finds out her mom was alive the whole time. After learning this she plans to run away with Alex to the Wilds. The Wilds are the forest/jungle past Portland where they can live in peace without the regulators butting in. But they get caught before they can make the escape. She makes it over the fence but Alex doesn't.
    I liked this book a lot because the main character reminds me of myself. Also a combination of Divergent and The Giver. This book is part of a trilogy and I am really excited for the sequel. It also reminded me of my 1st love. The obsession, the romance!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2018


This was a Phantom of the Opera spin-off. Rune moves to Paris, France to study music at the music school that is in the opera house where the famous phantom terrorized everyone. As soon as she arrives strange things happen. She finds a way to train her voice and make friends. The Phantom takes her prisoner and the Phantom's son Thorn develop a world win romance. What I liked about this story is not only is it written by one of my favorite authors but she followed the phantom story pretty well and added some new twist. It's kinda strange but it's good. But I would recommend being familiar with the Phantom of the Opera story before reading it. You will enjoy the story a lot more. She also explained some things about the movie that I didn't understand like keep your hand at the level of your eyes. This was said a lot in the movie and it means that back in the old times you had to keep up your arms by your face as an attack protection to prevent someone from taking you hostage or restraining you. The only thing that bothered me was what was the phantom doing all those years in between the original book and the sequel. Especially with the Christine aspect. She reveals some things about that too but I am not going to spoil it for Phantom of the Opera lovers like me. So you will just have to read it to find out.