Monday, August 19, 2019

The Bondage Breaker

Before reading this book I had little concept of how to deal with the devil. This book really explained to me how to put on the full armor of God which I really didn't understand how to do it. The book was divided into three parts. The first part was about having the courage to face the devil. Satan is like a little yapping dog. You have to out truth him by believing, declaring, and acting upon the truth of God's word. The most powerful weapon that the devil can use against you is the pride of believing I can take care of my own life by being the God of it. Having humility is a great tool against this. Pride says "I did it all by myself". Humility says "I resisted the devil by the grace of God". The devil will do anything to cloud your perspective to keep you isolated from God. It also talked about the strong power of prayer.
   The second part talked about the schemes the devil uses, how to recognize them, and how to stand firm in your faith against them. The power of temptation is a stronghold you have that has taught you to live independent of God. There are three main temptations the devil uses lust of the flesh, the lust of eyes, and pride of life. Lust of flesh refers to physical appetite and gratification. Lust of the eyes refers to self-interest and test the word of God. Pride of life refers to self-promotion and self-exaltation. Satans other tools involve accusation when you cross the line of temptation. This book also explained the difference between conviction by the spirit and condemnation by the devil and how pride affects us and keeps us isolated from God.
   The third section talked about how to walk free from the devil's influences. Freedom depends on what you believe, what to confess, forgive always, renounce bad influence, and forsake sin. Faith doesn't create the reality it responds to reality. So the more you know about God the bigger your faith. This section talked a lot about forgiveness, rebellion vs submission, pride vs humility, bondage vs freedom, and lots of prayers on different topics. Then how to help others find freedom as well.
     This book was excellent! It really helped me to understand what tactics satan uses and how to defend myself against them. I recommend this book to Christians and Non-Christians as well to deepen their faith.

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