Thursday, November 14, 2019

Can You Tell This is a Knock-Off? Finding Your True Identity in Christ

This was a short read but very effective. Chapter 1 was called Confident in Christ. This chapter discussed that we take on names that are nor ours or how God sees us like abandoned or unlovable. If we identify by what other people tell us we are wrong we need to identify by what God says in his word. It talked about who we are as daughters of the King.
   Chapter 2 Secure to Serve talked about pride and what pride does and what it means to be chosen by God. Chapter 3 Gifted by Grace talked about not comparing ourselves to others and our gifts. Chapter 4 Free to Forgive talked about forgiveness, praying for our enemies, and having God's boundaries. Chapter 5 Powered by Purpose talked about the fruit of the spirit, and accessing God's power. Chapter 5 Transformed to Trust talked about getting rid of fear, how God uses fear to have us surrender to his will, and how to trust God.

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