Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Christian's Journey Through Grief: How to Walk Through the Valley With Hope

Don't Get Over It. Get Through It. This book will give you the tools to walk through the process of grief in a healthy way. Helps readers distinguish between normal and unhealthy grieving, and provides practical steps to maintain physical health, emotional health, and relationships while grieving, It also offers guidance for working through the crisis of faith grief and specific steps the grieving can take toward healing. The apostle Paul said Christians do not grieve in the same way as those who do not have hope (1 Thess. 4:13). But that doesn’t mean we don’t or shouldn’t grieve. In this book, she addresses: What to expect while grieving, what is normal and abnormal grief, how to deal with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of grief, how grief affects one’s relationship with God, which steps the grieving person can take toward healing, and how the hope of eternity helps in the journey of grief.

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