Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Choice

Gabby moves to North Carolina with her boyfriend to start a new job at a hospital. After a couple weeks her dog gets pregnant and she goes to her neighbor's house to tell Travis that his dogs is why. She later finds out that he is the town vet. Her relationship with her boyfriend has become stagnant and she starts to hang out Travis and his family. Trying new things, having picnics, and hanging on the beach. Shortly they fall in love and she has to choose if she wants to be with her boyfriend or Travis. She realizes that Travis makes her feel more alive than she has ever felt before. This is the first reference to the choice.
       Part 2 of the story kind freaked me about a bit because Sparks confused me.  I have never been confused by his books before. It flashes 11 years into the future unknowingly to me. Gabby did choose Travis over her dull boyfriend thank God. They got married and had 2 kids, both girls. Then on the way home from date night they get into a car accident. Travis wakes up but Gabby ends up in a coma. In the mean time he takes care of the girls and visits her quite regularly. Then after 3 months he is faced with choosing to let her die or move her to a nursing home. This is the second reference to the choice. I thought this part was interesting that he referenced the choice 2x's. Then he decided that he can't let her go and moves her to the nursing home. Miraculously 4 months later she wakes up proving that true loves prevails.
       For the first time I was actually disappointed with Sparks. When I found out she was in a coma I was like seriously he is going to kill her off and Travis will be heartbroken forever. He sorta in a way did kill her but not all the way and then brought her back to live happily ever after. I almost cried when I thought that she was gonna die but I was very impressed by the ending. Also this is the first Sparks book I have read that someone in the plot didn't have a special talent. I love the fact that he always ties his book tittle into the plot.

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