Saturday, January 9, 2016

Twins Under the Christmas Tree

Isi has two 4 year old twins. She works at a bar to help make ends meet. Her life gets complicated when her babysitter for the twins moves away. She gets Conway to help her babysit them so she can finish her degree at a local community college to get a better job. Conway likes hanging out with the twins they have a really great time together but he is dead set set against being a dad. He is afraid that he will run out on them like his dad did to him. But he can't help the growing attraction to Isi. Isi wants to be with him so bad but knows that he will never commit to her. He even sets her up on a date. They both fight each other about being together until they have sex. He introduces her to his family too. They keep asking him what his problem is. He finally realizes that he can't live without Isi.
       This book was ok but I didn't like it that much. I don't like when characters constantly fight each other when they know they can't live without each other. The ending was very beautiful though.

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