Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Biblioholism The Literary Addiction

This book I found very interesting. I really had no idea some people could be so addicted to books. I am a biblioholic but I found a lot of the content to be irrelevant to me because it focused a lot on the book buying aspect. I will buy books at yard sales, salvo, book sales, and bookstores but I won't go very extreme and have to buy books at bookstores all the time, or getting books and not reading them. But I can hoard books to a point. I am addicted to going into libraries, and most likely signing out too many books but I know how to control it. I do love to smell books, read too late, want to read at work, sometimes feel like I don't have enough time in a day to get reading done, given up a book before starting it, got a book because I liked the cover, look at books first at a yard sale, read during commercial breaks, read on the toilet, panic when I forgot my book while waiting, found a topic I was really interested in and got several books from the library on it, and usually have at least 3-6 books by my bed at all times. I found the parts in the book relevant to me funny. Great read for anyone who loves to read books.

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