Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Hobbit or, There and Back Again

I have found a new author that I have become somewhat obsessed with. This was a fantastic book with plenty of danger and adventure. It surprised me because it was something I don't normally read or would find attractive even though I like fantasy but I really enjoyed it and now goes on my favorite books list.
       It followed the adventure of Bilbo Baggins a hobbit that lives in the shire, who through reading this book I have now become most fond of. He was visited by Gandalf the Grey and 13 dwarves to help them on their quest to reclaim the lonely mountain from Smag the evil dragon. They battled wargs, Orcs, goblins. elves, trolls, huge spiders, and a dragon. Smag the dragon was eventually defeated, they reclaimed the mountain, had a huge battle, and lived out the rest of their days peacefully. Unfortunately Thorin, Fili, and Kili were killed. Thorin didn't get to be the king under the mountain but his memory didn't fade.
        It was weird how the movie added in they were being hunted by Orcs because they were not in the book. That was really the only major thing they changed from page to script. The book I chose came with beautiful illustrations which added a little more magic to the experience.

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