Thursday, September 8, 2016

The New Professional Everything you Need to Know for a Great First Year on the Job

I found this book very informative for anyone who really wants to know what to expect for the first year on the job. I really feel like I understand what to expect a lot better. The chapters covered include topics including professional dynamics, developing a winning attitude, employers view, professionalism, the facts of the organization, learning about the company culture, people, relationships, and politics, understanding your boss, being subordinate savvy, getting ready to go to work, hitting the ground running, breaking in strategies, a first-year timetable, breaking-in issues, special groups and situations, personal issues, the social professional, and coping strategies.
     I would recommend this to anyone starting a professional career. The only thing I didn't like about it was that the writer assumed that everyone coming from college felt the same way and loved to party. A lot of the comments or tips he had sometimes didn't apply to me specifically.

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