Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Man Called Ove

This book took place in Sweeden. I liked the perspective of another country. Ove is depressed because his wife died and he is grumpy. He really thinks he has nothing to live for until the Persian neighbors move in across the street. I really liked how the author flashed back into his life growing up and his time with his wife. His neighbor keeps coming over to his house to ask for his help, though he resistant at first, she and her family grow on him. He also takes in this stray cat that keeps trying to bond with him. A lot of the book was focused on his daily grumbles and fixing things around the house. He was known as the grumpy man in the town at the beginning of the book but with the influence of the Persian and this other neighborhood boy he turns out to be the nice helping man of the town. This wasn't my first choice to something I would read but I liked the message. The message I got out of it was don't let illness like depression stop you from living your life, make friends, change can be good, and live life to the fullest.

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