Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Dating, Relating, and Waiting God's Word on Purity

First of all this books title is very catching. I read this book because I was very interested in what the Bible had to say about purity and what you should do about it. It was a short book but provided a lot of good information about connecting with the opposite sex. Especially from God's point of view. It talked about how to attract the right person, communication differences, figuring out what you really want, the impact of sex on your relationship, how to set healthy boundaries, guilt free sex God's way, starting over if you already had sex, and praying for your future mate.

7 Secrets You Need to Know About Girls
1. You need to see out inner beauty
2. Guys who are emotionally strong are the ones we are most attracted to.
3. We need to feel safe around you
4. Faith in Jesus means everything.
5. Accountability is key.
6. Learn to Cherish us.
7. We want the right kind of intimacy.

7 Secrets You Need to Know About Guys
1. Most Guys are all about the eyes.
2. I am a poet and a warrior.
3. My ego is fragile.
4. Sometimes I don;t talk much, but I hear you.
5. I want a girlfriend who is close to God.
6. My world can feel so brutal.
7. I need time in my cave.

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