Friday, June 2, 2017

Today is the Day Find and Embrace Your God Given Dreams

God-given dreams are natural talents given from God. He pre-wired them into us when he created us. You may be wondering how you know what they are? This book explains that which is why I decided to read it because I am really lost about what God wants me to do with my life. My purpose. Which thanks to this book I have a way better understanding.
       There are 8 clues to figure out what your God-given dreams are. 1) It will be powerful and persistent. 2) It will solve problems for others. 3)  It will include a burden for people. Who do you want to help? 4) It will involve access to resources. 5) It will help God's work in the world. 6) It will grow from your abilities and talents. 7) It may grow out of adversity. 8) It may seem crazy or arrogant to some people.
       The following chapters described how to think big, turning dreams into goals, praying about them, strengthening your confidence, diligence, developing the action habit, having integrity, recruiting your dream team, getting advice, and choosing to be a blessing.

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